If You Don't Laugh, You'll Cry | Sammy Petersen

Sammy wanted to be a comedian ever since he saw the greats on TV; but the journey so far hasn't been all laughs... Born with facial palsy, he stood out for his crooked smile and had a hard time learning to love himself. Growing up around a drug addicted brother, Sammy learned early on how unpredictable life can be.

And although he's never fallen prey to addiction himself, it's still loomed around him, with multiple friends and mentors swept up in its grip.

After seven years in the game, it all came to a crashing halt in 2018, when Sammy had a heart mid-show. He walked away, unsure if he’d ever come back. But the stage was never far from his mind. Now he’s stepping back into the spotlight on a national tour, not to prove he can, but because it's who he is.

This is Sammy Petersen…


Living For My Brother, My Mother and Me | Adam Gaunt


There's More to Life Than Winning | Jasper Buck