Our Why…

Callum MacPherson is the 2022 South Australian Young Achiever of the Year and creator of the national award-winning mental health video podcast, Young Blood - Men's Mental Health.

A qualified journalist with years of experience reporting for 7NEWS in Queensland and South Australia, Callum has conducted countless interviews in both traditional media and as a podcaster.

After losing his friend James to suicide in 2019, Callum launched the podcast with the vision of creating a public platform for men under 40 to openly share their struggles, emotions and life lessons to show one another that no matter what we go through; we’re not alone. The podcast is a preventable health strategy that promotes community mental health awareness and seeks to increase mental health literacy through shared lived experience.

Although young men are the primary focus, the podcast is also made for everyone who may be seeking to better understand, communicate with and help the men in their life. For this reason, the show's audience includes parents, siblings, colleagues, carers, clinicians, friends and loved ones of all ages and demographics. This form of storytelling encourages help seeking and gives its audience insight into why, where and how they may want to access mental health services, while also actively working to destigmatise the act of getting help. It connects with high-risk population groups and provides a long, diverse list of examples of relatable people who've been faced with immense challenges and managed to navigate their way through.

Those supporting someone who is struggling with their mental health and potentially at risk of suicide, can utilise the podcast as a tool to learn how others approach trying to help a friend, partner, family member or colleague and how they may be able to apply these strategies in their own lives.

Every episode features a new guest with their own unique story, who represents a particular demographic and brings their individual perspective to the topics that affect us all. This makes the podcast extremely inclusive and promotes the key message that no matter how different we may appear, we all endure difficulties that share similarities and as such, we have much to gain and offer by listening to and sharing with each other.

To date, the podcast has featured members of the following groups:

  • ·         First responders

    ·         People bereaved by suicide

    ·         Tradies

    ·         White collar workers

    ·         Young dads

    ·         Single dads

    ·         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

    ·         Culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

    ·         Veterans

    ·         Child sexual abuse survivors

    ·         People living with physical and intellectual disabilities

    ·         People living with cancer

    ·         Those experiencing unexpected life stressors

    ·         Recovering alcoholics

    ·         Recovering drug addicts

    ·         Recovery gambling addicts

    ·         LGBTIQA+ community

    ·         Mining and construction workers

    ·         Athletes

    ·         Entertainers

    ·         Health and medical workers

    ·         Psychologists

    ·         Mental health charity founders and ambassadors

This project will continue to cater to and benefit these groups and others, as the podcast continues to record and promote life-changing stories, told by everyday men.

Young Blood - Men’s Mental Health is a volunteer community service and relies on community support to help fund professional studio production costs.